Here you can find downloads of general interest. Pearson's assumptions, for example, that 'orders came into the factory they were assigned serial numbers, starting with the next one available in sequential order' and 'Walther did not build the guns in a strict serial number sequence they built guns in a priority sequence'. Last edited by Lloyd in Vegas at 10:14 PM. Are there any references, documents or recorded conversations with Walther employees to support this? Lloyd, Thank you very much for the information provided. I think this is what is being asked - to provide in this colour space not RGB. It is CYMK not YMC and there should be available a converter for GIMP. Paper profiles can have some funny names that don't necessarily match up with the names in the printer dialogue. You usually specify a paper profile when you fully manage colours because then the printer does not use its inbuilt settings. The following pictures show the differences between FOGRA27 and FOGRA39 in 3 CIE L. If it is physical printer at your desk it might just mean choose one of the available paper types from the printer driver. If you are sending images for printing I would have thought that detail was their problem unless it is a colour space standard for YMC (?) because commercial printers don't use RGB coding. By printer do you mean the company that prints for you or your physical printer? I have never heard of the above profile but google suggests it is default for coated papers in comercial printing. Click to expand.I am certain I do not understand but having typed this probable nonsense I'll post anyway.